Treating Lawns, Landscape Plants and Trees

Treatments for Lawns

If you’re bothered by the site of weeds or bare spots in your lawn, then consider our lawn treatments.  We will help your lawn to be uniform, green, and healthy.  Hopefully, this will bring peace of mind and remove one more thing from your list of things to do.

Treatments for Landscape Plants

The majority of an iceberg is below the surface.  Much of the health of a plant begins below the ground, in the roots.  We treat everything from the roots to the branches.  Fight off root rot fungus, mildews, blights, insect infestations, among other problems.  We will help your plants to be healthier and to last longer.

Treatments for Trees

Whether it’s a prized tree on your personal property, or trees in your landscaped commercial property, our goal is to keep them healthy and attractive.  We treat them with fungicide, insecticide, miticide and fertilizer.  Trees, just like other property investments, need maintenance.  Replacing or cutting down a tree is expensive and can leave an unsightly hole in your landscape design.  Save money by being proactive.  We use a direct injection method which leaves no chemical residue.


Owner Info

Brian Bridgeman

Experience: horticulture, lawn care and forestry

Formal Education: BA in Forest Management

SC Commercial Pesticide Applicator License (#C0030245): Turf and Ornamental, Forestry & Right-of-Way

Covered by Commercial Liability Insurance

Local to Pendleton, SC

Contact Info


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